Vegan Vs. Vegetarian

Veganism is a lifestyle where one refrains from consuming/using any product that is related to animals. Not only does a vegan not eat dairy or eggs in addition to meat (which is all vegetarians do - don't eat meat), but they also don't use beauty products that contain animal ANYTHING or were tested on animals. They also don't wear clothes that were made from animals, either (i.e. leather, fur, etc). Vegans take the welfare of all living things very, very seriously. It's a lifestyle, not just an eating habit.

Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of animals. A vegetarian does not consume any meat and meat byproducts - beef, chicken, pork, fish, shellfish, cheese made from animal rennet, gelatin - but does consume milk and eggs as well as other animal products.
Vegans do not eat or use any animal products: no meat, fish, eggs, milk, gelatin, fur, or leather so they do not wear leather or drink normal milk it has to be soy. Veganism is a political statement (we will exploit no animal for any reason), whereas vegetarianism is a dietary plan (we don't eat meat). I know vegans who won't go to movies that have dogs in them, because they had to exploit the dogs to make the movie.

It might be accurate to say that vegans are "strict vegetarians," although motivation and attitude are almost as important as behavior. Veganism is a way of life based on non-violence and respect for sentient life, in addition to environmental and human health concerns. A person might be vegetarian for similar concerns, though not necessarily.


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