Roasting Spices

Over the years I still get introduced to spices, tools and useful instruments to make my cooking easy. In addition to moving every year my boxes for the kitchen seem to add up. This is one tool you must have in the home Mortar and Pastel. Martha Stewart sells them at many locations ( Macy's, K Mart, and Bed bath and beyond). Although Macy's and Bed bath and beyond has a few different brands. Roasting spices seems tedious but is really easy.

1 cup of any spice ( any spice that is a seed; coriander, cumin, ginger )

Place in a med to low heat on a stove

Take off the heat and let it cool for a min or two

Place in the Mortar and Pastel. These spices can be stored up to 6 months

When roasting spices makes it easier and eatable for every meal used. If you are a fan of cooking with fresh spices this is one tool you kitchens needs!


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