Baby Showers......

As most of you may know its been a busy year for babies for me. Sydney and Jeff are welcoming baby Liam Mintle into their family in May. Monica and Jai Livingston are welcoming their little girl along with Diana Acosta who is also due in May 2010. Its a great time for me to do what I LOVE to do best; event planning, cooking, and preparing for the most important day for my friends. Here's a few photos and event planning idea's I thought was helpful...

Set the date.
Find a location.
Get the word out.
Set a theme.

Planners are the ones who all brainstorm to ensure the mommy-to-be is all set. The mom/dad prepares the nursey and gets the babies things all ready. Remember, its always good to include her, but not to stress her out. The mom will need to be informed on some things to make sure her friends and family are filled in with all the planning details. Planners decide location, cooking/preparing/buying the food, decorations, and games.

Here's a few pictures of cakes, decorations, simple planning tools to make a sucessful party.


Simple is easy.



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