Cooking White Rice

Cooking white rice in a sauce pan really can be tricky. If you follow these steps leave those worse behind.

One cup of rice calls for one cup of water, 1\2 cup of rice calls for 1\2 cup of water. For every ____ its the same ____of water.

This is important to follow this step. Once you have measured the rice place in the saucepan and wash under warm water and shake your rice to get all the dirt off. At this time the water is already starting to fill in the rice, but this isn't the same water you will continue to use so keep washing until the water is completely clean (around 5 times), each time the water is full or foggy keep emptying it out with a strainer or colander (make sure the holes are small) to keep the rice from falling out.

One this process is complete add the same amount of water as you did the rice in the sauce pan. Let the rice sit until they start to turn deep white. This means the rice is filling up with water and makes the processed faster and easy.

Cook until the rice is soft and you can fluff with a fork.


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